Tooth Extractions - Arlington, TX

Removal Can Be Restorative

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When a Tooth Can’t Be Saved, Choose Extraction

Your adult teeth are some of the most valuable mechanisms in your mouth, helping chew, speak, and smile. Unfortunately, when a tooth is damaged beyond repair, tooth extraction may be necessary to preserve your oral health and protect the rest of your smile. At DFW Implant Center, our trusted Arlington, TX, periodontist, alongside our dental team, can painlessly extract problem teeth to help ensure your smile stays healthy.

What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. There are two kinds of extraction, simple or non-surgical and complex or surgical extraction. 

Non-surgical tooth extraction, also known as simple extraction, is a common dental procedure performed when a tooth is fully erupted and can be easily removed without the need for extensive surgical techniques. 

Surgical tooth extraction is a more complex procedure compared to non-surgical extraction. It is typically performed when a tooth is impacted (unable to fully erupt) or when the tooth’s structure is significantly compromised, making it difficult to remove with simple extraction techniques. This is often the case for wisdom teeth. 

A damaged or abscessed tooth can quickly lead to more serious issues affecting your other teeth, oral health, and even in some cases, your physical health if the cause is gum disease.

What Are Wisdom Teeth and Their Common Problems?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. However, these teeth often cause problems due to lack of space in the mouth. Common issues associated with wisdom teeth include:

  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: When there is insufficient space for the wisdom teeth to fully erupt, they may become impacted, leading to pain, infection, and potential damage to neighboring teeth.
  • Overcrowding and Shifting: Wisdom teeth can cause crowding and shifting of adjacent teeth, disrupting the alignment of your smile and potentially requiring orthodontic treatment.
  • Infection and Gum Disease: Partially erupted wisdom teeth can create pockets where bacteria can accumulate, leading to infection and gum disease.
  • Cysts and Tumors: In rare cases, wisdom teeth can develop cysts or tumors, which may require surgical intervention.

To prevent these issues, DFW Implant Center offers wisdom tooth extraction services in Arlington, TX. Our experienced periodontist will assess the position and condition of your wisdom teeth and recommend extraction if necessary. Schedule a consultation today.

Janet - holding her before picture and smiling

The Benefits of Tooth Extraction

A severely damaged or infected tooth can cause significant discomfort and pain. By extracting the problematic tooth, you can alleviate the pain and improve your quality of life.

In cases where a tooth is affected by advanced decay, abscess, or gum disease, extraction can help prevent the spread of infection to nearby teeth and gums. By removing the source of infection, you can protect your oral health and prevent further complications.

Sometimes, tooth extraction is necessary to address overcrowding issues in the mouth. By removing a tooth, there is more space for the remaining teeth to align properly, reducing the risk of misalignment, bite problems, and the need for orthodontic treatment.

In certain cases, tooth extraction is a crucial step in preparing the mouth for orthodontic treatment, such as braces and clear aligners. By strategically removing a tooth, orthodontists can create the necessary space to align the remaining teeth and achieve optimal results.

Tooth extraction plays a significant role in preserving and improving overall oral health. By removing damaged, infected, or problematic teeth, you can prevent the spread of infection, reduce the risk of oral diseases, and maintain a healthy mouth.

In cases where a tooth is severely damaged or discolored, extraction followed by a suitable restorative solution, such as a dental implant or bridge, can greatly enhance the aesthetic appearance of your smile.

Your dentist will carefully evaluate your case and discuss the benefits, risks, and alternatives before recommending a tooth extraction.

Our Tooth Extraction Process


Before tooth extraction, you’ll undergo an initial consultation at DFW Implant Center in Arlington, TX. Dr. Boltchi will evaluate your oral health, discuss your concerns, and determine if a tooth extraction is necessary. They will explain the procedure, address any questions or concerns you may have, and provide detailed pre-extraction instructions. If necessary, sedation options may be discussed to help alleviate any dental anxiety. 


Before the tooth extraction procedure, the area around the affected tooth will be numbed using local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. The skilled team at DFW Implant Center will take every precaution to ensure a smooth and painless extraction process.

Non-Surgical Extraction

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During a non-surgical tooth extraction, your Arlington periodontist administers a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. Once the area is numb, specialized dental instruments, such as an elevator and forceps, are used to loosen and gently remove the tooth from its socket. The periodontist applies controlled pressure to ensure a smooth extraction process. Non-surgical tooth extraction is a relatively quick procedure that typically takes only a few minutes per tooth. 

Surgical Extraction

During a surgical tooth extraction, your periodontist may use one of several techniques depending on the specific case. These techniques include:

  • Sectioning: This involves dividing the tooth into sections to facilitate its removal when it cannot be extracted in one piece. Sectioning is commonly used for impacted wisdom teeth or teeth with curved or long roots.
  • Bone Removal: In some cases, it may be necessary to remove a small amount of bone tissue to access and extract the tooth. This technique is often employed when the tooth is deeply impacted or when there is insufficient space for proper extraction.
  • Gum Incision: Surgical extraction may involve making an incision in the gum tissue to access the tooth and remove it. This technique allows for better visibility and access to the tooth.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare: Ensuring Optimal Healing

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After tooth extraction, proper aftercare is essential for optimal healing. Here is a detailed bulleted list of post-extraction care tips:

  1. Bite on a gauze pad placed over the extraction site to control bleeding.
  2. Apply an ice pack to your cheek to minimize swelling.
  3. Take prescribed pain medications as directed.
  4. Avoid using a straw, smoking, or spitting forcefully to prevent dislodging the blood clot.
  5. Stick to soft foods and avoid chewing on the extraction site.
  6. Gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water after 24 hours to keep the extraction site clean.
  7. Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing, but be cautious around the extraction site.
  8. Attend follow-up appointments with DFW Implant Center in Arlington, TX, for proper monitoring and guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not at all. With local anesthesia and sedation options, your dentist can help ensure you’re comfortable throughout the tooth extraction procedure. You may experience some soreness and discomfort after the procedure, but the pain is generally manageable with prescribed medications.

The recovery time can vary depending on the complexity of the extraction and individual healing factors. Generally, it takes about one to two weeks for the extraction site to fully heal. Following the post-extraction care instructions provided by the Arlington periodontist will promote faster healing and minimize complications.

Stick to soft foods and avoid chewing on the extraction site for the first few days. As the healing progresses, you can gradually introduce solid foods back into your diet. Consult with your dentist for specific dietary recommendations based on your unique situation.

While tooth extractions are generally safe and routine procedures, there is a minimal risk of complications such as infection, dry socket, excessive bleeding, or delayed healing. Following the aftercare instructions provided by your dentist will greatly reduce the risk of such complications.

Call DFW Implant Center for Painless Tooth Extraction Services

Tooth extraction services provided by DFW Implant Center in Arlington, TX, offer a reliable solution for various dental concerns. Our experienced Arlington periodontist provides optimized tooth extraction services, including wisdom tooth extractions, with utmost precision and care for optimal healing and to maintain your oral health.

Call DFW Implant Center at our Arlington, TX dental office by dialing 817-663-4704 if you’re a new patient or 817-467-7731 if you’re a current patient and learn more about the benefits of tooth extraction services. You can also fill out and submit the contact form below and one of our friendly team members will get back to you shortly. DFW Implant Center proudly serves patients from Arlington and surrounding areas such as Irving, Fort Worth, and Grapevine. 

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